Edinburgh Toughest Fun
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FName | LName | BibNumber | Time | Gender | Age | Team | ID# |
FName | LName | BibNumber | Time | Gender | Age | Team | ID# |
Eliza | Reese | 47 | 00:15:01 | F | 15 | 47 | |
Cameron | Liddell | 35 | 00:18:58 | M | 9 | 35 | |
Anna | Reese | 34 | 00:19:07 | F | 11 | 34 | |
Niamh | Foster | 37 | 00:20:30 | F | 8 | 37 | |
33 | Zontheday | 33 | 00:26:59 | M | 99 | 33 |
Table data was last modified at UTC: May 02 2017 22:26:42.:-2017/edfun.csv?v=1740257577