Results for the Ochil Ultra Relay 2019.
Problems? Contact us. kitst at kitst dot co dot uk
Bib | FName | LName | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Type | RANK |
Bib | FName | LName | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Type | RANK |
289 | 5 For the Road | Team | 09:51:46 | 09:51:46 | 09:51:46 | M | 34 | Team Relay | 1 |
295 | Goodfellows 11 | Team | 10:36:30 | 10:36:30 | 10:36:30 | M | 53 | Team Relay | 2 |
Table data was last modified at UTC: October 01 2019 09:15:31.:-2019/ochil19-relay.csv?v=1737613977