Stirling Toughest 2016
One circuit of Stirling Castle and the Kings Knott
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Bib # | Last Name | First Name | Finishing Time | Chip Time | Division |
Bib # | Last Name | First Name | Finishing Time | Chip Time | Division |
126 | Karpowicz | Marcin | 19:24.23 | 19:21.25 | Male Senior |
136 | Lonsdale | Cameron | 24:41.56 | 24:27.67 | Male Junior |
128 | Dawes | Sophie | 25:02.46 | 24:53.91 | Female Senior |
134 | Dorman | Lesley | 25:56.62 | 25:47.37 | Female Senior |
121 | Steel | Jennifer | 26:08.14 | 25:57.70 | Female Senior |
123 | Quinn | Paula | 26:50.95 | 26:40.51 | Female Senior |
130 | Clermont | Stephen | 28:15.71 | 27:56.82 | Male Senior |
132 | Allan | Natalie | 28:52.43 | 28:30.36 | Female Senior |
133 | Aman | Alia | 28:52.26 | 28:30.37 | Female Senior |
139 | Miakle | John | 44:09.55 | 43:48.52 | Male Senior |
127 | Meikle | Holly | 44:17.74 | 43:57.21 | Female Senior |
124 | Morton | Jonathan | 55:40.72 | 55:32.46 | Male Senior |
25 | Hayes | Bubba | 26:23.62 | 26:11.63 | Male Senior |
77 | Hewitt | Richie | 28:21.62 | 28:21.62 | Male Senior |
78 | Rencova | Zuzana | 28:22.98 | 28:22.98 | Female Senior |
125 | Forsyth | Karlene | 31:19.35 | 31:03.96 | Female Senior |
Table data was last modified at UTC: November 28 2016 20:05:49.:-2016/stirtough16s.csv?v=1740257999