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Ochil Ultra 2018 50m
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Bib | A.Fname | A.Lname | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Team | Type | RANK |
Bib | A.Fname | A.Lname | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Team | Type | RANK |
996 | Thomas | Doney | 08:03:40 | 08:03:39.589 | M | 32 | 50 Mile | 1 | ||
1004 | David | Wallace | 08:37:35 | 08:37:34.778 | M | 42 | Ochil Hill Runners | 50 Mile | 2 | |
945 | Mike | Coppock | 08:41:48 | 08:41:47.834 | M | 32 | 50 Mile | 3 | ||
961 | Christopher | Bradley | 08:53:53 | 08:53:52.016 | M | 29 | 50 Mile | 4 | ||
997 | Barry | Queen | 08:54:46 | 08:54:45.962 | M | 43 | Helensburgh AAC | 50 Mile | 5 | |
940 | Sam | Walsh | 08:57:19 | 08:57:18.402 | M | 0 | Harmeny ac | 50 Mile | 6 | |
1003 | Chris | Harris | 09:05:23 | 09:05:22.176 | M | 38 | 50 Mile | 7 | ||
976 | Walter | Henderson | 09:14:33 | 09:14:32.412 | M | 50 | 50 Mile | 8 | ||
949 | Ross | Cowie | 09:15:25 | 09:15:24.246 | M | 40 | 50 Mile | 9 | ||
1012 | Glen | Mcgowan | 09:16:49 | 09:16:48.517 | M | 59 | 50 Mile | 10 | ||
965 | Colin | Dyer | 09:21:05 | 09:21:04.137 | M | 30 | 50 Mile | 11 | ||
948 | Jordan | Steel | 09:25:19 | 09:25:18.605 | M | 35 | 50 Mile | 12 | ||
988 | Angus | Robertson | 09:29:21 | 09:29:20.053 | M | 47 | 50 Mile | 13 | ||
1016 | Angela | Reid | 09:36:40 | 09:36:39.261 | M | 40 | 50 Mile | 14 | ||
957 | Lee | O'connor | 09:37:16 | 09:37:15.830 | M | 44 | Dundee Road Runners AC | 50 Mile | 15 | |
955 | Drew | Hall | 09:59:04 | 09:59:03.233 | M | 49 | 50 Mile | 16 | ||
1006 | Kenny | Cross | 10:01:11 | 10:01:10.676 | M | 48 | 50 Mile | 17 | ||
934 | William | Bell | 10:04:48 | 10:04:47.879 | M | 50 | 50 Mile | 18 | ||
958 | Brian | Robertson | 10:05:17 | 10:05:16.264 | M | 42 | 50 Mile | 19 | ||
1007 | Jeremy | Suzanne | 10:06:07 | 10:06:06.472 | M | 34 | 50 Mile | 20 | ||
1011 | John | Mcdermott | 10:20:28 | 10:20:27.919 | M | 46 | 50 Mile | 21 | ||
943 | Graham | Stephenson | 10:20:41 | 10:20:40.347 | M | 44 | 50 Mile | 22 | ||
967 | Gillian | Stokes | 10:25:40 | 10:25:39.084 | M | 32 | 50 Mile | 23 | ||
946 | Michael | Mitchell | 10:33:36 | 10:33:35.741 | M | 49 | Dundee Road Runners AC | 50 Mile | 24 | |
1001 | Alex | Doney | 10:38:02 | 10:38:01.795 | M | 57 | 50 Mile | 25 | ||
944 | Paul | Duffy | 10:42:12 | 10:42:11.292 | M | 41 | 50 Mile | 26 | ||
962 | Colin | Gagen | 10:47:15 | 10:47:14.149 | M | 51 | 50 Mile | 27 | ||
968 | Jonathan | Murray | 10:56:29 | 10:56:28.444 | M | 42 | 50 Mile | 28 | ||
1008 | Jonathan | Ward | 10:56:29 | 10:56:28.319 | M | 33 | Moray Road Runners�(Elgin) | 50 Mile | 29 | |
953 | Mike | Winn | 11:10:41 | 11:10:40.352 | M | 43 | 50 Mile | 30 | ||
950 | Elly | Gaunt | 11:12:09 | 11:12:08.998 | M | 33 | 50 Mile | 31 | ||
970 | Gavin | Legg | 11:12:10 | 11:12:09.108 | M | 43 | 50 Mile | 32 | ||
920 | Ewan | Grant | 11:20:24 | 11:20:23.381 | M | 41 | 50 Mile | 33 | ||
998 | Euan | Miller | 11:20:32 | 11:20:31.016 | M | 42 | 50 Mile | 34 | ||
1010 | Graeme | Murdoch | 11:23:56 | 11:23:55.988 | M | 51 | 50 Mile | 35 | ||
933 | Norrie | Swan | 11:29:42 | 11:29:41.705 | M | 54 | 50 Mile | 36 | ||
980 | Dariusz | Boguslowicz | 11:37:26 | 11:37:25.750 | M | 33 | 50 Mile | 37 | ||
925 | Michelle | Green | 11:39:34 | 11:39:33.701 | M | 45 | 50 Mile | 38 | ||
927 | John | Sneddon | 11:42:53 | 11:42:52.279 | M | 56 | Hunters Bog Trotters | 50 Mile | 39 | |
959 | Shauney | Watson | 11:44:35 | 11:44:34.699 | M | 22 | 50 Mile | 40 | ||
930 | Laurie | Carruthers | 11:50:17 | 11:50:16.216 | M | 23 | Perth Road Runners | 50 Mile | 41 | |
969 | Martin | Georgiev | 11:50:17 | 11:50:16.325 | M | 30 | 50 Mile | 42 | ||
1005 | Verek | Trcka | 12:20:52 | 12:20:51.610 | M | 42 | 50 Mile | 43 | ||
931 | Andrew | Smart | 12:22:42 | 12:22:41.968 | M | 19 | 50 Mile | 44 | ||
921 | William | Gibson | 12:31:44 | 12:31:43.839 | M | 37 | 50 Mile | 45 | ||
922 | Scott | Garson | 12:31:44 | 12:31:43.386 | M | 36 | Orkney AC | 50 Mile | 46 | |
993 | Martin | Morrison | 12:49:00 | 12:48:59.866 | M | 46 | Belfast Association of Rockclimbers & Fellrunners | 50 Mile | 47 | |
951 | Dan | Paris | 12:50:19 | 12:50:18.836 | M | 29 | 50 Mile | 48 | ||
932 | Daniel | Kershaw | 12:54:07 | 12:54:06.005 | M | 42 | 50 Mile | 49 | ||
994 | Jacek | Sikorski | 12:54:07 | 12:54:06.130 | M | 38 | 50 Mile | 50 | ||
954 | David | Nairn | 12:57:20 | 12:57:19.494 | M | 48 | 50 Mile | 51 | ||
936 | Gillian | Mccoll | 13:04:08 | 13:04:07.973 | M | 45 | 50 Mile | 52 | ||
1013 | Bruce | Hay | 13:04:08 | 13:04:07.865 | M | 50 | 50 Mile | 53 | ||
1009 | John | Bullen | 13:17:37 | 13:17:36.205 | M | 41 | 50 Mile | 54 | ||
1014 | Adam | Peden | 13:39:02 | 13:39:01.782 | M | 46 | 50 Mile | 55 | ||
938 | Ian | Lightbown | 13:41:43 | 13:41:42.375 | M | 49 | 50 Mile | 56 | ||
972 | Alan | Cormack | 13:45:31 | 13:45:30.336 | M | 51 | Cosmic Hill Bashers | 50 Mile | 57 | |
1000 | Gary | White | 13:45:37 | 13:45:36.320 | M | 46 | 50 Mile | 58 | ||
926 | Sarah | Robertson | 14:12:09 | 14:12:08.792 | M | 52 | 50 Mile | 59 | ||
1017 | Rob | Reid | 14:27:50 | 14:27:49.240 | M | 73 | Campbeltown Running Club | 50 Mile | 60 |
Table data was last modified at UTC: September 29 2018 20:34:27.:-2018/ochilultra2018-50m.csv?v=1740259656