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Ochil Ultra 2018 Team

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10271027Snaccidents09:00:3909:00:38.698F11850 Mile Relay1
102010204 out of 5 Star09:33:1609:33:15.174M11850 Mile Relay2
10231023Goodfellers10:24:5410:24:53.993M11850 Mile Relay3
10251025Lendrick Muir10:32:5710:32:56.153M11850 Mile Relay4
10241024In Gin We Trust10:51:1510:51:14.940M11850 Mile Relay5
10221022Doing this for the wine!10:51:1610:51:15.409M11850 Mile Relay6
10211021Crossley Runners13:09:4413:09:43.786M11850 Mile Relay7

Table data was last modified at UTC: September 29 2018 20:34:00.:-2018/ochilultra2018-team.csv?v=1740260135