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Ochil Ultra 2018 Team
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Bib | A.Fname | A.Lname | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Team | Type | RANK |
Bib | A.Fname | A.Lname | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Team | Type | RANK |
1027 | 1027 | Snaccidents | 09:00:39 | 09:00:38.698 | F | 118 | 50 Mile Relay | 1 | ||
1020 | 1020 | 4 out of 5 Star | 09:33:16 | 09:33:15.174 | M | 118 | 50 Mile Relay | 2 | ||
1023 | 1023 | Goodfellers | 10:24:54 | 10:24:53.993 | M | 118 | 50 Mile Relay | 3 | ||
1025 | 1025 | Lendrick Muir | 10:32:57 | 10:32:56.153 | M | 118 | 50 Mile Relay | 4 | ||
1024 | 1024 | In Gin We Trust | 10:51:15 | 10:51:14.940 | M | 118 | 50 Mile Relay | 5 | ||
1022 | 1022 | Doing this for the wine! | 10:51:16 | 10:51:15.409 | M | 118 | 50 Mile Relay | 6 | ||
1021 | 1021 | Crossley Runners | 13:09:44 | 13:09:43.786 | M | 118 | 50 Mile Relay | 7 |
Table data was last modified at UTC: September 29 2018 20:34:00.:-2018/ochilultra2018-team.csv?v=1740260135