Strathearn Trail Series Race 1
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Junior Results ( Seniors )
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Bib | FName | LName | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Team |
Bib | FName | LName | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Team |
307 | David | Lidstone | 00:10:54 | 00:10:54.000 | M | 12 | Perth Strathtay Harriers | |
308 | Gregor | Ryan | 00:11:23 | 00:11:22.739 | M | 15 | Perth Strathtay Harriers | |
310 | Anna | Saunders | 00:11:47 | 00:11:46.437 | F | 13 | Perth Strathtay Harriers | |
306 | Arran | Lessells | 00:12:00 | 00:11:59.297 | M | 10 | ||
312 | Sam | Sutherland | 00:14:12 | 00:14:11.527 | M | 9 | ||
311 | Charlie | Sutherland | 00:14:29 | 00:14:28.498 | M | 10 | ||
303 | Dan | Fardon | 00:15:14 | 00:15:13.006 | M | 14 | ||
304 | Josh | Fardon | 00:15:21 | 00:15:20.737 | M | 12 |
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