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Perth Toughest 5k 2017

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JohnnyAlexander4100:30:00M19SHORT SENIOR
MurdoCulbertson5000:30:32M31SHORT SENIOR
DanielLidstone6800:36:21M13Perth Strathtay HarriersSHORT JUNIOR
PeterConnolly4600:40:34M57Dundee Road RunnersSHORT SENIOR
grantwooler9700:41:39M57LONG SENIOR
CarolineNess7700:42:40F52LONG SENIOR
StevenTaarland8900:54:25M25LONG SENIOR
cathystanfield8601:05:24F55SHORT SENIOR
MurrayKelly6601:10:12M58SHORT SENIOR

Table data was last modified at UTC: August 06 2017 11:37:41.:-2017/perth5k2017.csv?v=1740258506