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Perth 3km 2021 Results
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Bib FName LName RaceTime ChipTime GunTime Gender Age Team Type Rank Gender Rank Type Rank Bib FName LName RaceTime ChipTime GunTime Gender Age Team Type Rank Gender Rank Type Rank 480 Andrew Grant 00:10:19 00:10:19 00:10:21 M 13 Strathearn Harriers MJ 1 1 1 485 Aaron Middleton 00:12:01 00:12:01 00:12:02 M 14 Central Athletics Club MJ 2 2 2 488 Lucy Ward 00:12:30 00:12:30 00:12:31 F 14 FJ 3 1 1 487 Ben West 00:13:49 00:13:49 00:13:51 M 12 Strathearn Harriers MJ 4 3 3 486 Ciara Middleton 00:14:10 00:14:10 00:14:13 F 12 Central Athletics Club FJ 5 2 2 482 Eva Came�?on 00:14:26 00:14:26 00:14:27 F 13 FJ 6 3 3 484 Alyvia Bruce 00:15:01 00:15:01 00:15:03 F 13 FJ 7 4 4 489 Hamish Haggerty 00:15:09 00:15:09 00:15:10 M 12 MJ 8 4 4 490 Georgina Bark 00:17:19 00:17:19 00:17:20 F 12 FJ 9 5 5
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