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Bib # | Team Name | Class | Time | Leg 1 | Time 1 | Leg 2 | Time 2 | Leg 3 | Time 3 | Changover |
Bib # | Team Name | Class | Time | Leg 1 | Time 1 | Leg 2 | Time 2 | Leg 3 | Time 3 | Changover |
350 | Scotland Girls | Female | 00:11:32 | Andrew-Tilly | 00:03:49 | Robinson-Tex | 00:03:45 | Mitchell-Ben | 00:03:45 | Emma Lessels |
400 | Scotland - D+A Ladies | Female | 00:13:52 | Lessels-Gem | 00:04:22 | Mackendrick-Olly | 00:05:02 | Grant-Ruby | 00:04:24 | Jennifer Kent |
380 | Cse One | Female | 00:15:22 | Zaremba-Roger | 00:04:37 | Irvine-Peggy | 00:05:03 | Gibson-Sprocket | 00:05:29 | Keira Molloy |
390 | Cse Two | Female | 00:18:54 | Mkirdy-Roxy | 00:04:33 | Mair-Prissy | 00:07:36 | Borthwick-Paddy | 00:06:31 | Linzie Melville |
320 | Scotland Boys | Male | 00:11:12 | Reid-Zara | 00:03:36 | Whitaker-Robbie | 00:03:52 | Huges-Pip | 00:03:30 | Murdo Robinson |
360 | Dundee & Angus Cani Cross | Male | 00:12:12 | Grant-Jess | 00:04:04 | Grant-Forres | 00:03:53 | Lessels-Troy | 00:03:56 | Jake |
430 | England Men | Male | 00:13:09 | Barnett-Cassie | 00:05:29 | Reade-Jet | 00:03:58 | Antcliffe-Buddy | 00:03:22 | Lynda Reade |
370 | Forth Valley Flyers | Mixed | 00:12:49 | Pass-Jane | 00:04:17 | Morgan-Togo | 00:04:26 | Lang-Bauer | 00:03:48 | Erin Molloy |
440 | Just Whatever | Mixed | 00:13:12 | White-Arya | 00:04:18 | Ross-Tia | 00:04:32 | Harwood-Gwyant | 00:03:58 | Sarah Harwood |
330 | The Young Ones | Mixed | 00:14:21 | Campbell-Gannik | 00:04:49 | Hale-Indie | 00:04:30 | Molloy-Rudu | 00:04:43 | Gracie Molloy |
420 | Cani Sport Edinburgh | Mixed | 00:15:04 | Little-Berry | 00:04:29 | Grant-Ellie | 00:05:49 | Cairns-Callie | 00:04:26 | Rory Cairns |
410 | Black Pack And The Two K's | Mixed | 00:15:46 | Connal-And | 00:05:18 | Black-Suki | 00:06:04 | Black-Skye | 00:04:07 | Karen Hamilton |
Table data was last modified at UTC: September 19 2016 21:55:39.:-2016/caniteam.csv?v=1743415306