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Muthill Sportive 2018
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Bib | A.Fname | A.Lname | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Team | Type | RANK |
Bib | A.Fname | A.Lname | RaceTime | ChipTime | GunTime | Gender | Age | Team | Type | RANK |
150 | Gordon | Tester | 03:09:21 | 03:09:20.941 | M | 58 | Sportive | 1 | ||
149 | Kevin | Lancaster | 03:28:29 | 03:28:28.020 | M | 52 | Sportive | 2 | ||
42 | Scott | Baxter | 03:28:31 | 03:28:17.298 | 03:28:30.533 | M | 30 | Sportive | 3 | |
119 | Sandy | Snowball | 03:41:08 | 03:41:04.460 | 03:41:07.492 | M | 22 | Sportive | 4 | |
47 | Ken | Norton | 03:43:03 | 03:43:02.014 | 03:43:02.217 | M | 53 | Sportive | 5 | |
133 | Johnny | Lee | 03:43:08 | 03:43:04.163 | 03:43:07.835 | M | 49 | Sportive | 6 | |
80 | Robert | Connolly | 03:43:12 | 03:43:10.533 | 03:43:11.079 | M | 56 | Sportive | 7 | |
88 | Gordon | Campbell | 03:50:49 | 03:50:36.038 | 03:50:48.132 | M | 43 | Carrick Cycling Club | Sportive | 8 |
121 | Colin | McDonald | 03:59:32 | 03:59:16.821 | 03:59:31.602 | M | 35 | Ride 63 | Sportive | 9 |
24 | peter | pacitti | 04:00:04 | 03:59:51.892 | 04:00:03.439 | M | 51 | Sportive | 10 | |
79 | Teginder | Padda | 04:00:05 | 04:00:04.022 | M | 43 | Lenzie Velo | Sportive | 11 | |
37 | Alan | Moore | 04:00:06 | 03:59:59.776 | 04:00:05.167 | M | 54 | Sportive | 12 | |
74 | Stevie | Adams | 04:04:00 | 04:03:59.970 | M | 54 | Sportive | 13 | ||
101 | Colin | Mcphail | 04:04:01 | 04:03:50.180 | 04:04:00.882 | M | 42 | Strathearn Mountain Biking Club | Sportive | 14 |
44 | Iain | Fridge | 04:04:10 | 04:03:47.283 | 04:04:09.360 | M | 53 | Sportive | 15 | |
78 | Lee | Carmichael | 04:04:52 | 04:04:51.931 | M | 35 | Sportive | 16 | ||
72 | Paul | Reilly | 04:06:35 | 04:06:34.067 | M | 50 | Sportive | 17 | ||
127 | daniel | Kipps | 04:07:32 | 04:07:24.183 | 04:07:31.590 | M | 43 | SMBC | Sportive | 18 |
71 | Keith | Baxter | 04:09:38 | 04:09:37.207 | M | 53 | Sportive | 19 | ||
20 | Duncan | Buchanan | 04:11:05 | 04:10:45.699 | 04:11:04.448 | M | 51 | Middle of Nowhere CC | Sportive | 20 |
103 | Alastair | Green | 04:11:49 | 04:11:45.019 | 04:11:48.050 | M | 43 | Sportive | 21 | |
137 | Andrew | Greaves | 04:21:19 | 04:21:17.203 | 04:21:18.969 | M | 45 | Comrie Road Bikers | Sportive | 22 |
143 | Ariane | Newlands | 04:21:21 | 04:21:19.618 | 04:21:20.961 | F | 38 | Comrie road bikers | Sportive | 23 |
53 | Alastair | Elder | 04:23:11 | 04:23:10.027 | M | 50 | Sportive | 24 | ||
18 | Chi kong | Cham | 04:23:12 | 04:22:59.001 | 04:23:11.689 | M | 48 | Stirling Bike Club | Sportive | 25 |
87 | Sarah | Rowley | 04:24:22 | 04:23:59.313 | 04:24:21.390 | F | 46 | Sportive | 26 | |
70 | Andy | Walker | 04:25:11 | 04:25:10.724 | M | 54 | Sportive | 27 | ||
75 | William | Baird | 04:26:02 | 04:26:01.852 | M | 55 | Sportive | 28 | ||
130 | Andrew | Bruce | 04:26:02 | 04:26:01.142 | M | 39 | Kinross CC | Sportive | 29 | |
32 | Christopher | MacFarlane | 04:28:11 | 04:27:48.517 | 04:28:10.595 | M | 31 | Sportive | 30 | |
25 | Amparo | Echenique | 04:28:54 | 04:28:31.833 | 04:28:53.911 | F | 41 | Sportive | 31 | |
141 | Caroline | Strain | 04:35:08 | 04:35:07.334 | F | 50 | Sportive | 32 | ||
142 | Barry | Strain | 04:35:09 | 04:35:00.811 | 04:35:08.060 | M | 51 | Sportive | 33 | |
152 | Andrew | Brichell | 04:37:06 | 04:37:05.999 | M | 46 | Sportive | 34 | ||
116 | Ben | Hammond | 04:38:20 | 04:38:19.587 | M | 45 | Perth Triathalon Club | Sportive | 35 | |
39 | John | Rowland | 04:43:23 | 04:43:08.865 | 04:43:22.490 | M | 65 | Sportive | 36 | |
22 | Sandra | Dunlop | 05:00:34 | 05:00:12.707 | 05:00:33.988 | F | 53 | Livingston Cyling Club | Sportive | 37 |
21 | Linda | Palmer | 05:00:36 | 05:00:14.030 | 05:00:35.311 | F | 54 | Livingston Cyling Club | Sportive | 38 |
66 | Trish | Duncan | 05:02:37 | 05:02:36.798 | F | 55 | Stirling Bike Club | Sportive | 39 | |
2 | Julie | Gardham | 05:03:15 | 05:02:59.051 | 05:03:14.254 | F | 49 | Sportive | 40 | |
77 | Duncan | Ross | 05:03:17 | 05:03:00.435 | 05:03:16.685 | M | 54 | Sportive | 41 | |
1 | Magnus | Gardham | 05:03:19 | 05:03:00.996 | 05:03:18.012 | M | 50 | Sportive | 42 | |
23 | Deb | Keys | 05:05:05 | 05:05:04.557 | F | 52 | Stirling Bike Club | Sportive | 43 | |
29 | Derek | Johnston | 05:06:59 | 05:06:58.476 | M | 55 | Sportive | 44 | ||
28 | Ian | Gourlay | 05:07:00 | 05:06:59.794 | M | 51 | Sportive | 45 | ||
3 | Adam | Rennie | 05:07:08 | 05:07:01.757 | 05:07:07.742 | M | 46 | Sportive | 46 | |
4 | Lynsey | Isles | 05:07:23 | 05:07:15.250 | 05:07:22.360 | F | 42 | Sportive | 47 | |
6 | Jennifer | Kettle | 05:12:26 | 05:12:25.910 | F | 45 | Sportive | 48 | ||
122 | Kathleen | Connor | 05:13:19 | 05:13:18.771 | F | 51 | Sportive | 49 | ||
61 | Brad | Murphy | 05:22:44 | 05:22:43.532 | M | 57 | Sportive | 50 | ||
125 | Anna | Doeser | 05:24:15 | 05:24:07.022 | 05:24:14.757 | F | 35 | Stirling Triathlon Club | Sportive | 51 |
126 | Kim | Bradley | 05:24:15 | 05:24:05.789 | 05:24:14.304 | F | 35 | Stirling Triathlon Club | Sportive | 52 |
120 | Andrew | Clark | 05:27:06 | 05:26:46.370 | 05:27:05.745 | M | 44 | Sportive | 53 | |
33 | Victoria | Clark | 05:27:08 | 05:26:47.591 | 05:27:07.325 | F | 42 | Sportive | 54 | |
108 | David | Wood | 05:29:22 | 05:29:15.283 | 05:29:21.954 | M | 56 | Sportive | 55 | |
83 | Marianne | Herron | 05:39:41 | 05:39:36.547 | 05:39:40.640 | F | 40 | Sportive | 56 | |
10 | Myra | Waddell | 05:56:02 | 05:56:01.999 | F | 51 | Sportive | 57 | ||
30 | Erika | Green | 05:56:02 | 05:56:01.999 | F | 52 | Sportive | 58 | ||
11 | Eileen | Giannico | 05:56:03 | 05:56:03.000 | F | 51 | Sportive | 59 | ||
58 | Lester | Cruickshank | 05:56:03 | 05:56:03.000 | M | 63 | Sportive | 60 | ||
63 | Ewan | Rawcliffe | 05:56:04 | 05:56:04.000 | M | 18 | Sportive | 61 | ||
85 | William | Herron | 06:17:19 | 06:17:12.649 | 06:17:18.180 | M | 73 | Sportive | 62 |
Table data was last modified at UTC: June 16 2018 05:33:03.:-2018/muthillsportive2018.csv?v=1743416000