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Scottish Students XC Men 2021
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Bib FName LName RaceTime ChipTime GunTime Gender Age Team Type Rank Gender Rank Type Rank Bib FName LName RaceTime ChipTime GunTime Gender Age Team Type Rank Gender Rank Type Rank 28 Graham Christian 00:24:57 00:24:57 00:24:57 M 20 Dundee SEN 1 1 1 53 Knowles Matt 00:25:12 00:25:12 00:25:12 M 18 Edinburgh U20 2 2 1 96 Burns Jamie 00:25:42 00:25:42 00:25:42 M 20 Glasgow SEN 3 3 2 10 Abernethy Max 00:25:48 00:25:48 00:25:48 M 20 Aberdeen SEN 4 4 3 252 Reilly Kieran 00:25:51 00:25:51 00:25:51 M 28 Stirling SEN 5 5 4 228 Lambert Noah 00:25:52 00:25:52 00:25:52 M 20 St Andrews SEN 6 6 5 29 LE BOT Pol 00:26:04 00:26:04 00:26:04 M 23 Dundee SEN 7 7 6 235 Hornyik Kristof 00:26:06 00:26:06 00:26:06 M 19 St Andrews U20 8 8 2 207 Lydon Finn 00:26:12 00:26:12 00:26:12 M 22 Heriot-Watt SEN 9 9 7 95 Tait Magnus 00:26:15 00:26:15 00:26:15 M 20 Glasgow SEN 10 10 8 70 Henriksen Harry 00:26:19 00:26:19 00:26:19 M 18 Edinburgh U20 11 11 3 246 Phillip Calum 00:26:23 00:26:23 00:26:23 M 21 Stirling SEN 12 12 9 201 Fordyce Cameron 00:26:28 00:26:28 00:26:28 M 18 Glasgow U20 13 13 4 205 Leitch Samuel 00:26:29 00:26:29 00:26:29 M 20 Heriot-Watt U20 14 14 5 62 Tharme Callum 00:26:29 00:26:29 00:26:29 M 21 Edinburgh SEN 15 15 10 253 Sutherland Matthew 00:26:40 00:26:40 00:26:40 M 32 Stirling SEN 16 16 11 232 Cooper Kieran 00:26:49 00:26:49 00:26:49 M 21 St Andrews SEN 17 17 12 276 Mackinnon Jamie 00:26:55 00:26:55 00:26:55 M 22 Strathclyde SEN 18 18 13 76 McLew Christopher 00:27:03 00:27:03 00:27:03 M 20 GCU SEN 19 19 14 254 Hickey Hamish 00:27:03 00:27:03 00:27:03 M 21 Stirling SEN 20 20 15 15 Odentz Aaron 00:27:09 00:27:09 00:27:09 M 22 Aberdeen SEN 21 21 16 89 Neilson Philip 00:27:13 00:27:13 00:27:13 M 23 Glasgow SEN 22 22 17 202 Addison Stephen 00:27:18 00:27:18 00:27:18 M 21 Glasgow SEN 23 23 18 58 Mon-Williams Ruaridh 00:27:24 00:27:24 00:27:24 M 23 Edinburgh SEN 24 24 19 233 Balogh Csoban 00:27:33 00:27:33 00:27:33 M 21 St Andrews SEN 25 25 20 73 Morris Craig 00:27:46 00:27:46 00:27:46 M 20 Edinburgh Napier University SEN 26 26 21 30 Berry Thomas 00:27:47 00:27:47 00:27:47 M 21 Dundee SEN 27 27 22 222 Chingos Andrew 00:27:47 00:27:47 00:27:47 M 19 St Andrews U20 28 28 6 255 Marshall Alastair 00:27:52 00:27:52 00:27:52 M 19 Stirling U20 29 29 7 50 Roach Fraser 00:27:55 00:27:55 00:27:55 M 21 Edinburgh SEN 30 30 23 216 Sandilands Ben 00:28:07 00:28:07 00:28:07 M 18 SRUC U20 31 31 8 71 RIMICANS MICHAEL 00:28:08 00:28:08 00:28:08 M 22 Edinburgh SEN 32 32 24 99 ADDISON DAVID 00:28:11 00:28:11 00:28:11 M 19 Glasgow U20 33 33 9 92 Todd Finlay 00:28:15 00:28:15 00:28:15 M 22 Glasgow SEN 34 34 25 230 Truman-Williams Freddie 00:28:17 00:28:17 00:28:17 M 18 St Andrews U20 35 35 10 97 macgregor ruairidh 00:28:20 00:28:20 00:28:20 M 19 Glasgow U20 36 36 11 64 Ivandjikov Boyan 00:28:24 00:28:24 00:28:24 M 21 Edinburgh SEN 37 37 26 245 Muir Jack 00:28:26 00:28:26 00:28:26 M 19 Stirling U20 38 38 12 94 Carey Andrew 00:28:29 00:28:29 00:28:29 M 20 Glasgow SEN 39 39 27 59 Dailey Matthew 00:28:29 00:28:29 00:28:29 M 21 Edinburgh SEN 40 40 28 88 Little Calum 00:28:31 00:28:31 00:28:31 M 19 Glasgow U20 41 41 13 100 Irvine Mark 00:28:46 00:28:46 00:28:46 M 21 Glasgow SEN 42 42 29 268 Pugh Kieran 00:28:54 00:28:54 00:28:54 M 25 Strathclyde SEN 43 43 30 60 Gray Telfer 00:28:55 00:28:55 00:28:55 M 21 Edinburgh SEN 44 44 31 269 Smith Angus 00:29:02 00:29:02 00:29:02 M 18 Strathclyde U20 45 45 14 223 Robinson Alex 00:29:14 00:29:14 00:29:14 M 21 St Andrews SEN 46 46 32 55 Wilkinson Owen 00:29:21 00:29:21 00:29:21 M 19 Edinburgh U20 47 47 15 266 Oliver-Jones Struan 00:29:33 00:29:33 00:29:33 M 20 Strathclyde U20 48 48 16 61 Oldfield Ifan 00:29:33 00:29:33 00:29:33 M 20 Edinburgh SEN 49 49 33 251 Williams Rhys 00:29:35 00:29:35 00:29:35 M 18 Stirling U20 50 50 17 224 Lightfoot Nicholas 00:29:41 00:29:41 00:29:41 M 21 St Andrews SEN 51 51 34 270 Jenkins Robert 00:29:47 00:29:47 00:29:47 M 21 Strathclyde SEN 52 52 35 68 Smith Fraser 00:29:55 00:29:55 00:29:55 M 21 Edinburgh SEN 53 53 36 208 Lines Tom 00:29:57 00:29:57 00:29:57 M 22 Heriot-Watt SEN 54 54 37 75 Paton Iain 00:30:01 00:30:01 00:30:01 M 26 GCU SEN 55 55 38 98 Crawford Keir 00:30:10 00:30:10 00:30:10 M 19 Glasgow U20 56 56 18 17 Laing Sandy 00:30:15 00:30:15 00:30:15 M 22 Aberdeen SEN 57 57 39 72 Wilson Felix 00:30:17 00:30:17 00:30:17 M 21 Edinburgh SEN 58 58 40 51 Russell Todd 00:30:41 00:30:41 00:30:41 M 20 Edinburgh SEN 59 59 41 277 McMonagle Alasdair 00:30:44 00:30:44 00:30:44 M 19 Strathclyde U20 60 60 19 234 Revill Hector 00:30:44 00:30:44 00:30:44 M 18 St Andrews U20 61 61 20 215 McRae Ryan 00:30:56 00:30:56 00:30:56 M 20 RGU SEN 62 62 42 91 Galloway Drew 00:30:58 00:30:58 00:30:58 M 20 Glasgow SEN 63 63 43 18 Bishop Orrin 00:30:59 00:30:59 00:30:59 M 19 Aberdeen U20 64 64 21 22 Kelly Fraser 00:31:00 00:31:00 00:31:00 M 20 Abertay SEN 65 65 44 264 Boyle Christopher 00:31:01 00:31:01 00:31:01 M 24 Strathclyde SEN 66 66 45 14 Nelson Luke 00:31:02 00:31:02 00:31:02 M 19 Aberdeen U20 67 67 22 63 Carrick Andrew 00:31:11 00:31:11 00:31:11 M 24 Edinburgh SEN 68 68 46 209 Peacock Robert 00:31:34 00:31:34 00:31:34 M 21 Heriot-Watt SEN 69 69 47 250 McPhee Gordon 00:31:47 00:31:47 00:31:47 M 20 Stirling SEN 70 70 48 226 McDermott Noah 00:31:48 00:31:48 00:31:48 M 18 St Andrews U20 71 71 23 267 Raeside Liam 00:32:08 00:32:08 00:32:08 M 22 Strathclyde SEN 72 72 49 231 Cumming Alexander 00:32:19 00:32:19 00:32:19 M 19 St Andrews U20 73 73 24 272 Wallace Cameron 00:32:27 00:32:27 00:32:27 M 20 Strathclyde SEN 74 74 50 273 Bordarier Julien 00:33:03 00:33:03 00:33:03 M 23 Strathclyde SEN 75 75 51 90 Gilhooly Sandy 00:33:36 00:33:36 00:33:36 M 27 Glasgow SEN 76 76 52 275 Condy Sam 00:33:36 00:33:36 00:33:36 M 18 Strathclyde U20 77 77 25 248 Williamson Tom 00:34:08 00:34:08 00:34:08 M 18 Stirling U20 78 78 26 210 Irving Adam 00:34:14 00:34:14 00:34:14 M 20 Heriot-Watt SEN 79 79 53 263 Douglas Cameron 00:34:20 00:34:20 00:34:20 M 21 Strathclyde SEN 80 80 54 26 Orr Sam 00:34:43 00:34:43 00:34:43 M 18 Abertay U20 81 81 27 229 McCartney Owen 00:34:49 00:34:49 00:34:49 M 19 St Andrews U20 82 82 28 225 wei Henry 00:35:03 00:35:03 00:35:03 M 20 St Andrews SEN 83 83 55 74 Franklin Luke 00:35:16 00:35:16 00:35:16 M 20 GCU SEN 84 84 56 249 Otevrel Hubert 00:35:19 00:35:19 00:35:19 M 21 Stirling SEN 85 85 57 19 Bohle Zander 00:36:05 00:36:05 00:36:05 M 21 Aberdeen SEN 86 86 58 247 Taylor James 00:36:09 00:36:09 00:36:09 M 19 Stirling U20 87 87 29 24 Laverty Ritchie 00:36:12 00:36:12 00:36:12 M 20 Abertay SEN 88 88 59 271 Luke Greg 00:36:14 00:36:14 00:36:14 M 21 Strathclyde SEN 89 89 60 93 Brown Ben 00:36:21 00:36:21 00:36:21 M 20 Glasgow SEN 90 90 61 227 Zhao Boyuan 00:36:43 00:36:43 00:36:43 M 22 St Andrews SEN 91 91 62 278 Talactac Redge 00:36:45 00:36:45 00:36:45 M 22 Strathclyde SEN 92 92 63 236 Foster Louis 00:36:47 00:36:47 00:36:47 M 18 St Andrews U20 93 93 30 265 Munro Daniel 00:37:02 00:37:02 00:37:02 M 20 Strathclyde SEN 94 94 64 13 Smith Daniel 00:37:09 00:37:09 00:37:09 M 22 Aberdeen SEN 95 95 65 12 Scott Jacob 00:37:33 00:37:33 00:37:33 M 22 Aberdeen SEN 96 96 66 11 CAVANAGH PATRICK 00:37:44 00:37:44 00:37:44 M 19 Aberdeen U20 97 97 31 213 Davies Thomas 00:39:05 00:39:05 00:39:05 M 20 RGU U20 98 98 32 274 Rodriguez Juan 00:39:53 00:39:53 00:39:53 M 26 Strathclyde SEN 99 99 67 23 Collier Sam 00:40:53 00:40:53 00:40:53 M 19 Abertay U20 100 100 33 25 Moodie Magnus 00:42:46 00:42:46 00:42:46 M 18 Abertay U20 101 101 34
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