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Ochil Ultra 2021 50m
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Bib FName LName RaceTime ChipTime GunTime Gender Age Team Type Rank Gender Rank Type Rank Bib FName LName RaceTime ChipTime GunTime Gender Age Team Type Rank Gender Rank Type Rank 527 Robbie Dunlop 07:57:44 07:57:44 07:57:44 M 32 Dundee Road Runners AC Runner 1 1 1 542 Charles Houston 08:10:03 08:10:03 08:10:03 M 28 Hunters Bog Trotters Runner 2 2 2 603 Nicholas Wolverson 08:24:28 08:24:28 08:24:28 M 39 Edinburgh AC Runner 3 3 3 539 Christopher Harris 08:39:20 08:39:20 08:39:20 M 41 Runner 4 4 4 568 Rachel Normand 09:11:03 09:11:03 09:11:03 F 34 Carnethy Hill RC Runner 5 1 1 511 Andrew Campbell 09:14:23 09:14:23 09:14:23 M 33 Runner 6 5 5 591 Thomas Eriksen 09:41:07 09:41:07 09:41:07 M 33 Runner 7 6 6 512 Anya Campbell 09:51:28 09:51:28 09:51:28 F 51 Gala Harriers Runner 8 2 2 529 Oscar Eriksen 10:10:52 10:10:52 10:10:52 M 28 Runner 9 7 7 577 Maurycy Ptaszynski 10:11:22 10:11:22 10:11:22 M 38 Runner 10 8 8 569 Aidan O'byrne 10:12:32 10:12:32 10:12:32 M 37 Runner 11 9 9 525 Kevin Du plessis 10:16:21 10:16:21 10:16:21 M 40 Runner 12 10 10 549 Graham Johnston 10:16:21 10:16:21 10:16:21 M 45 Runner 12 10 10 617 Sarah Bailie 10:16:48 10:16:48 10:16:48 F 37 Team Tilly Relay 14 3 1 535 Stephen Gillanders 10:21:02 10:21:02 10:21:02 M 46 Runner 15 12 12 624 224 Spare 10:23:41 10:23:41 10:23:41 0 Runner 16 1 1 597 Cameron Warner 10:24:35 10:24:35 10:24:35 M 44 Pitreavie AAC Runner 17 13 13 517 Richie Cunningham 10:33:37 10:33:37 10:33:37 M 52 Runner 18 14 14 533 Chiara Franzosi 10:34:10 10:34:10 10:34:10 F 30 Runner 19 4 3 594 Neil Walker 10:41:01 10:41:01 10:41:01 M 44 Runner 20 15 15 541 Lee Holland 10:43:39 10:43:39 10:43:39 M 54 Carnegie Harriers Runner 21 16 16 581 Ethan Rhys-jenkins 10:55:12 10:55:12 10:55:12 M 24 Runner 22 17 17 614 Gillian Lopez 10:56:20 10:56:20 10:56:20 F 57 Kinross Road Runners Relay 23 5 2 593 Desmond Tinney 11:06:35 11:06:35 11:06:35 M 44 Runner 24 18 18 564 Jon Murray 11:16:04 11:16:04 11:16:04 M 45 Runner 25 19 19 578 Fergus Ramsay 11:22:54 11:22:54 11:22:54 M 42 Runner 26 20 20 602 Mike Winn 11:24:19 11:24:19 11:24:19 M 46 Runner 27 21 21 596 Scott Wardrop 11:30:01 11:30:01 11:30:01 M 48 Ochil Hill Runners Runner 28 22 22 623 Norman Neilson 11:36:06 11:36:06 11:36:06 M 61 Runner 29 23 23 558 Ross Mcdonald 11:39:37 11:39:37 11:39:37 M 43 Runner 30 24 24 567 Kevin Neilson 11:45:05 11:45:05 11:45:05 M 36 Runner 31 25 25 510 Steven Cairney 11:49:12 11:49:12 11:49:12 M 38 Runner 32 26 26 610 Doug Paton 11:53:28 11:53:28 11:53:28 M 55 Goodfellers III Relay 33 27 1 560 Euan Mcintyre 11:58:08 11:58:08 11:58:08 M 38 Runner 34 28 27 543 Ryan Hutton 11:58:09 11:58:09 11:58:09 M 27 Runner 35 29 28 536 Iain Gordon 11:58:23 11:58:23 11:58:23 M 40 Harmeny AC Runner 36 30 29 537 Drew Hall 12:04:01 12:04:01 12:04:01 M 52 Runner 37 31 30 576 Iam Proudfoot 12:41:30 12:41:30 12:41:30 M 40 Runner 38 32 31 526 Paul Duffy 12:41:34 12:41:34 12:41:34 M 44 Runner 39 33 32 582 Ryan Ritchie 12:44:09 12:44:09 12:44:09 M 46 Runner 40 34 33 555 Gavin Major 12:53:07 12:53:07 12:53:07 M 38 Pitreavie AAC Runner 41 35 34 532 Chris Foote 12:53:08 12:53:08 12:53:08 M 1 Carnegie Harriers Runner 42 36 35 519 Nicky Deuchar 12:57:24 12:57:24 12:57:24 M 39 Runner 43 37 36 528 Ross Emslie 12:57:25 12:57:25 12:57:25 M 35 Runner 44 38 37 579 Andy Rankin 13:01:20 13:01:20 13:01:20 M 57 Wee County Harriers Runner 45 39 38 520 Michael Dillon 13:02:18 13:02:18 13:02:18 M 49 Runner 46 40 39 548 Dennis Johnston 13:07:11 13:07:11 13:07:11 M 37 Runner 47 41 40 545 Mark Jenkins 13:08:21 13:08:21 13:08:21 M 40 Runner 48 42 41 530 Gita Erram 13:13:00 13:13:00 13:13:00 F 53 Runner 49 6 4 521 John Donnelly 13:28:00 13:28:00 13:28:00 M 52 Ochil Hill Runners Runner 50 43 42 524 Grant Du heaume 13:32:00 13:32:00 13:32:00 M 54 Road Runners Club Runner 51 44 43 546 Andrew Johnson 13:35:00 13:35:00 13:35:00 M 62 Runner 52 45 44 589 John Sneddon 13:41:00 13:41:00 13:41:00 M 59 Hunters Bog Trotters Runner 53 46 45 506 Andy Briggs 13:44:00 13:44:00 13:44:00 M 41 Penicuik Harriers Runner 54 47 46 503 Gary Birnie 14:09:00 14:09:00 14:09:00 M 38 Runner 55 48 47 620 Fiona Unknown DNF 10:22:59 10:22:59 F 51 Team Tilly Relay 56 7 3 619 Anthony Luxton DNF 10:23:00 10:23:00 M 39 Team Tilly Relay 56 49 2
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